Hackathon Drupal 8

The Hackathon Drupal 8 event, held by Ci&T and Acquia, was a great initiative to provide knowledge for developers about the future of Drupal.


Various groups were chosen among the participants and each group was responsible for choosing a module to migrate it from version Drupal 7.x to 8.x version.

For my group were chosen:

At the beginning I thought it would be simple but at the end I realized that the differences between these two versions are really high and it increased a lot the challenge.

Drupal 8 was written from scratch. It has different approaches on how to build a form, menus and how the themes (templates) are created.

My group started the migration of Flood Control module. This module provides an administrative interface for hidden Flood Protection settings of Drupal.

After finishing the development of Flood Control we decided to start migrating a new module to improve our knowledge from the first one. We chose another very similar called Filter Protocols.

The Filter Protocols module provides a configuration for protocols that will be allowed to be used with Drupal, this ensures more security filtering invalid protocols and provides a simple way to enable new protocols like skype:// ssh:// etc….

After more than 12 hours of coding and a lot of food, our team completed the task migrating the 2 modules and we published the code on Github:

Flood Control: https://github.com/emersonbarros/flood_control
Captura de Tela 2014-06-27 às 10.31.55-448

Filter Protocols: https://github.com/emersonbarros/filter_protocols
Captura de Tela 2014-06-27 às 10.29.21-433

I would like to provide the presentation used for the event: CitHackathon (PDF – Portuguese only)

We have also contacted Dave Reid from Drupal.org reporting we completed this port and ensuring the code will be available for the community.

At the end I would like to thank Ci&T, Acquia and all participants!

[Update 07/02/2014] The Ci&T team just released an official post about the event (link)

[Update 07/15/2014] Adam Malone from Acquia also created a post about the event (link).

[Update 08/04/2014] Post of Mauricio Borges, “Mastering Drupal & Hackathons: great combination!”


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